February 11, 2008

Recovery Day #3

My NG Tube is OUT!!! I got up this morning and walked around and then sat in the chair in my room for about an hour or so. The doctors came in and we talked to him about everything. My hemoglobin has dropped, so i have to get it tested again at 2pm. If it is lower I will have to have another blood transfusion. But since I had gone on two walks this morning and was out of bed, Dr Hughes paged Dr. Sutherland and he said i could get my NG Tube out and catheter! They have put me on lasic which takes off the fluid that is put on since it makes it harder to recover. I have about 10 lbs of fluid on me and it's coming off each day. So, the first few days were absolutely awful with the pain not being under control at all. I couldn't sleep which is the best thing for someone in pain. I finally got it under control saturday after Dr. Hughes up'ed my meds and i finally slept. The first night I had to switch beds right after surgery and the central line in my neck got caught on the other bed and one of the sutures tore, but i don' think they ever went back and re-suctured like they talked about. so i think we are going to get the catheter out next and then do the hemoglobin at 2pm up here. I am hoping to be out earlier than 2 weeks, but will need to stay up here for a few days to make sure everything is going ok, especially the internal bleeding. Thank you all for the texts! james has been reading them to me and it helps cheer me up as I have been pretty down with everything. Finally saw the incision today, which was pretty scary. We'll keep you all posted. Love you!!! Nicole

1 comment:

Megan said...

It's so awesome to hear from you! I'm so relieved that your recovery is going so much smoother! ;) Love you girly!!