February 14, 2008

Recovery Day #6 noon

So, I just got my central line taken out! that feels wonderful to not have that in my neck anymore!! I was worried it was going to hurt because it's super long and everything, but removing the sutures hurt a teeny bit, but I couldn't even feel the central line being pulled. that was awesome. I had my meningitis vaccine last night too, so I have two more before I can leave tomorrow. I was a huge baby about it after my nurse told me it would hurt, but it actually didn't! We are still going to do the blood thinners until tomorrow though. My hemoglobins have dropped again and they are 7.2. They start to freak out at 7.0, but mine have kept going up and down and not on a straight down trend, so we're going to wait and see how I feel to see if we're going to another transfusion. I also am apparently starting to get a fever again or something, so they are doing a few tests to make sure if I am getting sick, they can treat it before the symptoms really hit. My blood pressure dropped again but we're going to just watch that. So, I will be out of the hospital tomorrow and heard from Dr. Sutherland that he has clinicals on tues and weds, so I am hoping maybe we can see him on tuesday! So, I slept on my side and got to actually toss and turn last night (I know it sounds weird)! The pain is under control and I am going to be able to not get back on the suckers, I believe! That is wonderful news for me! So, I slept most of the morning from walking all over yesterday, so it's gone a bit quicker for me today. Hopefully, we'll be out of here in no time!!! Em, I don't know how you do these blood thinner shots. OH MY! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Love, Nicole

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